Contoh Soalan Bahasa Inggeris PSEE Pembantu Antidadah S19

Ada yang mencari contoh soalan percuma untuk Peperiksaan Online Kemasukan Perkhidmatan Awam bagi jawatan Pembantu Antidadah S19 dijadualkan November ini? Usah risau, kami ada set soalan seksyen Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris untuk anda gunakan sebagai rujukan ringkas.

Contoh soalan Bahasa Inggeris di bawah ini bukanlah soalan sebenar peperiksaan online PSEE Pembantu Antidadah gred S19. Namun, daripada pengalaman meneliti soalan-soalan peperiksaan online SPA yang sebelum ini, kami telah berusaha bersama Tim Infokerjaya menyediakan contoh soalan terbaik bagi memperlengkapkan persediaan anda untuk hadapi peperiksaan ini.

Contoh Soalan Peperiksaan Pembantu Antidadah S19

Contoh Soalan Peperiksaan Pembantu Antidadah S19

Format peperiksaan online bagi Pembantu Antidadah sedikit berbeza dengan peperiksaan online jawatan kerajaan yang lain. Ianya memang telah dijangka kerana keperluan setiap Kementerian dan Jabatan Kerajaan adalah berbeza.

Bersandarkan kepada keperluan yang berlainan ini, maka setiap peperiksaan online SPA adalah tidak sama samada dari segi format peperiksan, bentuk soalan, dan dari segi kepayahan/kesukaran setiap soalan.

Calon yang terlibat perlu bersedia mental dan fizikal. Cabaran pertama untuk memastikan diri sesuai dengan jawatan yang dipohon sebelum ke peringkat seterusnya iaitu temuduga.

Contoh Soalan Peperiksaan Pembantu Antidadah S19
Baiklah, bagi membantu anda mendapat sekilas pandang bagaimana bentuk soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris PSEE Pembantu Antidadah S19 ini, anda boleh lihat pada contoh soalan berikut:

David, my son was born by emergency caesarean section in a hospital in Cambridge, England. The first thing I noticed when they pulled him into the world was a gaping black hole in the middle of his face. Strangely, I wasn’t shocked by his harelip. I was infatuated by the tiny life I held in my arms.

But things did not go well. David struggled to feed, he choked and slept a lot. I could no longer hide my fear I knew that he was ill. We were back in hospital before he was a month old. There we saw various specialists who meticulously catalogued a long list of abnormalities.

After days of tests and consultations, the doctor told us among other things that David had holes in the heart, only one kidney, spinal abnormalities and the fibres connecting the two hemispheres of the brains were missing. The doctor said that David has to have open-heart surgery really soon.

His words sank in, but I had already made the decision. David was all right. “But he is so much more at ease away from here. We don’t want any more investigations. No more needles or tests unless you can prove they will improve his quality of life. We fly back to Nepal this Sunday.”

Back in Nepal, the peace and pace was healing for all of us, and David’s tube stayed in less and less. He seemed to be doing so well that we decided to take a break and head into the mountains. We flew to Pokhara and we walked north towards the grand Annapura, through the deepest gorge in the world.

At a height of 2807m above sea level, we were short of breath but the holes in David’s heart had stimulated him to produce more red blood cells to cope in the thin mountain air.

When David was five months old, we took him back to the Cambridge hospital. The clinical staffs were amazed at how well David had done. They were astonished that his growing heart had repaired theholes. He no longer needed the medicines – and he never had that open heart surgery.

Berikut adalah contoh soalan yang ditanya ...

 Jika anda mahu persediaan peperiksaan yang lebih lengkap, boleh rujuk pada panduan disediakan di bawah ini:


Ia merupakan pakej rujukan yang menyediakan contoh-contoh soalan terbaik untuk keperluan PSEE Pembantu Antidadah S19. Semua contoh soalan disediakan dalam pakej rujukan ini telah disediakan jawapan lengkap dengan penerangan.

Malah, ia juga dilengkapkan dengan nota padat khas untuk peperiksaan ini bagi menjimatkan masa calon terlibat memahami banyak aspek berkaitan tugas dan tanggungjawab Pembantu Antidadah S19.

Jangan persiakan peluang ini. Tak tahu nak baca apa, tak pasti format exam, gunakan rujukan yang telah disediakan ini khas untuk Pembantu Antidadah S19.


Semoga berjaya.
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